25 July 2010

Moving In....Almost!

Hello to my much neglected blog and its readers!!
So much has gone on in the past few weeks.  We moved out of our downtown rental apartment into a colleague's home (they are away right now).  It was a nice change as we about tripled our living space!  Plus, our colleagues have kids and even a princess room that my girls have enjoyed!
I mentioned an apartment that we were hoping to get....which fell through.  At first it seemed unfortunate that we lost it.  It was a great location, but the landlord seemed to get a little greedy and seemed to change his tune when he saw we worked for a missionary organization.  That is obviously not a landlord we want!  We were frustrated that we were put off for 9 days!  The great thing is, God had something better in store for us!!!
Two weeks ago the agency that we were working with on the one that fell through had another one for us to see.  We walked in and were pleasantly surprised to see the landlords there to greet us.  This was the first apartment we walked through were the landlords were present.  After just a few minutes we discovered that the wife, and actual owner, of the apartment was American!!  We instantly loved the apartment and the landlords!!  And wouldn't you know, it's the complex RIGHT next door to the one that fell through!!  So we get to be in the area that we so desired!!!  Praise God!!
A week and a half later we signed the contract!!  She was so happy to have Americans renting her apartment and we were equally happy to know that if we had any concerns or needed help in the apartment that we will be able to easily communicate with our landlord.  Only the Lord could have put us together!!
After signing the contract we headed over to our new apartment to take a few measurements in the kitchen.  The only downside is we have to buy our own appliances.  However, I know that what we will be using will be new and clean and we get to pick it out ourselves.  And this Monday we will have our brand spanking new side by side refrigerator delivered!!!  This is the first time I have seen side by sides sold in Europe!!  Funny how something so common in America is a luxury for us here!!  Ha!!
Our contract is to start August 1, however, our landlord gave us the keys a week and a half early so we can get appliances and other necessities ordered and set up so we are ready to go when our things arrive from Prague.  Hopefully by mid-week next week.
And did I mention that she took us out for lunch after our contract signing?!
We hope to see much more of her and her husband!!
I've taken a few pictures, but they'll have to wait until next time.


  1. sounds great! glad things are going well. hope you get moved and settled in soon!

  2. So glad God is working out all of the details!! We'll be praying these next few weeks go smoothly. I can't wait to see pics!!

  3. Tina, this is wonderful! I'm so thrilled for you!!!

  4. Tina, I'm so glad the Lord is putting you right where He wants you to be! Congratulations on all the new, exciting adventures you're embarking upon. I can't wait to hear more!



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